CIEL Experts Available to Comment on UN Climate Talks (SB58) in Bonn


BONN, Germany, June 1, 2023   Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) experts are in Bonn, Germany, engaging in international climate negotiations during the 58th session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from June 5 to June 15, and available for comment.

The climate talks in Bonn take place in the context of mounting climate chaos, coupled with a global recognition that climate action must urgently accelerate to avoid even more catastrophic temperature increase

Since the last UN climate negotiations, (COP27, in Sharm-el-Sheik, Egypt, in November 2022,) communities worldwide have continued experiencing accelerating and acute impacts of a changing climate, harming their human rights. In March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report articulating the dangers of overshooting 1.5 degrees of warming and the scientific imperative for immediate action to tackle the root causes of climate change and phase out all fossil fuels. 

Despite these clear signals, very few governments have meaningfully stepped up their climate ambition and actions. Instead, often under the influence of fossil fuel corporations, many have expanded their support for fossil gas and oil projects, and doubled down on false climate solutions, like carbon capture and storage and large-scale carbon dioxide removal, and increased legal and judicial pressure against those demanding climate action and a just transition away from fossil fuels. 

In Bonn, CIEL experts will be attending the negotiations, monitoring governments’ responses to the enormous ambition gap and advocating for climate justice. They will be working to expose decisions and initiatives that come at the expense of ambition and human rights, especially in the lead-up to COP28, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, later this year. And CIEL experts will advocate for decisions that enable meaningful action and support for those most impacted by climate harms.

CIEL Experts in Bonn:

Erika Lennon — CIEL Senior Attorney specializing in carbon markets and Article 6, climate finance, the Green Climate Fund, social and environmental safeguards, and redress mechanisms. Erika will be in Bonn from June 3rd to June 16th. Follow Erika on Twitter

Lien Vandamme — CIEL Senior Campaigner specializing in the intersection between human rights and climate change, in particular, related to negotiations on Loss and Damage and the Global Stocktake. Lien will be in Bonn from June 5th to June 15th. Follow Lien on Twitter. 

Sébastien Duyck — CIEL Senior Attorney specializing in the intersection between human rights and climate change, including the protection of the civic space in the context of climate action. Seb will be in Bonn from June 3rd to June 7th & from June 10th to June 15th. Follow Seb on Twitter.

Lili Fuhr — Director of CIEL’s Fossil Economy program, specializing in exposing and avoiding fossil fuel escape hatches like petrochemicals (plastics & agrochemicals) and technofixes (including carbon capture and storage, carbon removals, and solar geoengineering) as well as net-zero plans. Lili will be in Bonn from June 9th to June 14th. Follow Lili on Twitter

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