Emissions Unleashed: The Climate Crisis and America’s Petrochemical Boom (August 2024)

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Petrochemicals are a major and escalating threat to the climate. From the extraction and processing of fossil fuels to the production, use, and disposal of petrochemicals — the petrochemical industry is a significant contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With the petrochemical sector poised for growth, its potential to exacerbate the climate crisis will only increase.

Our report, Emissions Unleashed: The Climate Crisis and America’s Petrochemical Boom exposes the climate footprint of the planned petrochemical buildout in America. It identifies the most climate-damaging projects and products, demonstrates carbon capture’s inability to significantly mitigate emissions, and uncovers how taxpayers are being misled into funding polluting projects sold as ‘climate solutions.’ 

This report serves as a stark warning: America’s planned petrochemical expansion threatens to derail climate goals and inflict further harm on communities across the country.  US leaders and permitting authorities must reject the planned petrochemical expansion and its devastating climate and health consequences. 

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Published on September 24, 2024