Make a One-Time Donation
Support CIEL by making a charitable contribution online or by mail. You can donate through our secure online donation form using a credit card or PayPal account, or by mailing a check. Donations made by check should be made payable to CIEL at 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005.
Make a Monthly Donation
Support CIEL by making a monthly donation. These sustaining donations are the best way to defend the right to a healthy planet. Solving the biggest challenges facing our planet — defending rights, holding corporations accountable, and protecting the environment on a global scale and for the long haul — requires sustainable support from individual donors.
As a CIEL Sustainer, your monthly donation goes further because we know we can count on you — every month — not just when a crisis strikes.
Click here to make a monthly donation.
Tribute Gifts: Donate in Someone’s Name
A gift in honor of someone is a generous way to provide a lasting tribute to a loved one — or celebrate a special occasion — while creating an enduring impact for future generations and the environment.
You can make a tax-deductible tribute gift to CIEL online by clicking this link, where you will also have the option to send them a personalized eCard announcing the gift.
If you’d prefer to make this tribute gift via check, please email [email protected] or call 202-742-5832.
Gift & Estate Planning
Thank you for considering leaving CIEL in your will. A bequest to CIEL ensures a lasting legacy of protecting the environment and human rights for generations to come.
How To Leave CIEL In Your Will
There are many types of planned gifts that you may want to consider in your financial and estate planning. Some gifts may give you tax benefits while providing CIEL with vitally needed support. We recommend you consult your attorney or financial advisor and call us at (202) 785-8700 to discuss these giving options.
Specific Bequests Sample Legal Language
The following sample language may be useful for a specific bequest:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Center for International Environmental Law, Inc., a not-for-profit charitable organization located at 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington DC 20005, the sum of $ (insert amount here) to be used for its general purposes.”
Percentage of Estate Sample Legal Language
An alternative to a specific bequest is to leave a percent of your estate to CIEL. For example: “I give, devise, and bequeath to the Center for International Environmental Law, Inc., a not-for-profit charitable organization located at 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington DC 20005, _________% of my residuary estate to be used for its general purposes.”
Tax ID Number and Information To Know When Making Gifts & Estate Planning
When making gifts or estate planning, Important information to include is:
Legal Name: Center for International Environmental Law, Inc.
Address: 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington DC 20005
Federal Identification Number: 52-1633220
Telephone: 202-785-8700
Contact Us
If you have chosen to include CIEL in your estate plans, let us know by emailing [email protected]. We want to thank you!
Other Ways to Give
Join us in defending the right to a healthy planet. There are many ways you can make a difference. However you choose to give, we are truly grateful.
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
Simplify your giving with a donor advised fund. These funds, which are like charitable savings accounts, give you the flexibility to manage your giving simply and efficiently. You can recommend grants now for immediate impact, or designate grants for the future. Click here to set up a donor advised fund.
Stock Gifts
Giving stocks or mutual funds is a simple, impactful way to support CIEL. If you make a gift of publicly traded stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you avoid capital gains tax and receive a charitable deduction, all while contributing to defend the right to a healthy planet.
If you’re interested in making your contribution to CIEL in stocks or other investments, please contact Jon Ellenboben with Impact Capital Strategies at either 202-844-3552 or [email protected].
If you are 72 or older, you can leverage your retirement assets to benefit you and your family, reduce your tax burden, and support CIEL. Retirees can make charitable gifts directly from an IRA without incurring income tax on the withdrawal. Please contact Jon Ellenboben with Impact Capital Strategies at either 202-844-3552 or [email protected].
Stay Informed & Join Our Community
You can support CIEL and raise awareness by learning more about our work to defend the right to a healthy planet and sharing solutions with family and friends.
Take Action Online
Our featured actions change periodically. Get involved and raise your voice for human rights and the environment.
Hold Big Oil Accountable for Decades of Deception: Research shows that the oil industry understood the science of climate change and actively sought to shape skepticism towards climate regulation decades earlier than previously suspected. Call for investigation into what could be the largest, longest-lasting, and most dangerous case of corporate deceit in human history. ACT NOW.
Tell World Leaders We Need Safe Masks: Despite concerns that masks containing nanographene may be harmful to human health, millions of these masks are being produced every day. Masks don’t need nanomaterials to be effective. Call on world leaders to follow Canada’s example and ban personal protective equipment (PPE) made with these potentially toxic materials. ACT NOW.
Urge US Congress to Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act: We know how harmful every stage of the plastic lifecycle is to people and the planet. But there’s hope: the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021 is the first piece of federal legislation to take a full-lifecycle approach to tackling the plastic crisis. Call on your members of Congress to support this critical bill. ACT NOW.