CIEL and IBC work together to safeguard the rights of the Catataibo Indigenous Peoples threatened by Oil exploration in Amazonia

September 2007

In August 2007, the Peruvian government approved oil and gas exploration in the traditional territories of the indigenous Cacataibo communities, where there still exist Cacataibo peoples living in voluntary isolation. With the approval of the Environmental
Impact Assessment of the 2D Seismic Project for Block 107, the “Petrolifera” company, which is headquartered in Canada, will soon begin oil and gas exploration using dynamite blasts that threaten the life and the personal integrity of the Cacataibo peoples in voluntary isolation.

FENACOCA, the Federation of Indigenous Cacataibo Communities (Federación Nativa de Comunidades Cacataibo), and the leaders of the settled indigenous Cacataibo communities met in Aguaytía, Peru, from August 23 to 25, 2007 in order to discuss the negative impacts from hydrocarbon exploration on the Cacataibo peoples in voluntary isolation. In this meeting FENACOCA
reiterated their rejection of the oil and gas exploration in the areas proposed as territorial reserves for isolated Cacataibo peoples. FENACOCA, along with Instituto del Bien Común (IBC) and CIEL, also decided to make a request to the Inter-American Commission of Human rights for precautionary measures to prevent the violation of the rights to life and personal integrity of the Cacataibo peoples in voluntary isolation.

For more information please see the briefing papers on this situation, provided below in English and Spanish, as well as the public announcement by FENACOCA and a map of the affected area:


Contact persons:

In Lima
Carlos Soria, Attorney, Email: [email protected];
Tel: +511 913-00824 / 440-0006 / 421-7579.
Margarita Vara, Antropologist, Email: [email protected];
Tel: +511 440-0006 / 421-7579.

In Washington, DC
Marcos A. Orellana, Program Director, Human Rigths and the Environment,
Email: [email protected]; Tel: +1 202-742-5847.