CIEL releases publications analyzing aspects and problems of current International Trade Negotiations

April 17, 2003

The WTO Services Negotiations – Some Strategic Considerations

CIEL staff co-authored this paper for the South Centre, a Geneva based inter-governmental organization that works to reflect the views of the South. This paper forms part of the South Centre’s work to assist developing countries analyze and employ negotiating strategies in their services trade talks with the World Trade Organization (WTO). To obtain the paper contact [email protected] or view the it at

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Future GATS-Negotiations – Implications for Environmental Policy Makers

CIEL staff co-authored this report on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency. The study conducts a first analysis of key GATS provisions and new negotiating proposals from the perspective of environmental policy makers. It aims to highlight currently identifiable environmental policy implications and problems of the GATS and to make preliminary policy recommendations from an environmental perspective. To obtain a form for ordering the study, please contact [email protected]. To view the report
of the conference where the paper was presented, visit:


GATS and Water

CIEL staff presented this draft discussion paper at a workshop on Trade and Water on 3 March 2003 in Geneva. The paper explores some of the linkages between international trade law, in particular the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and domestic water policies. It focuses on those water policies aiming to ensure adequate provision of water, including to the poor and marginalized. The paper first provides some background, by discussing the nature of and trends in water management and then describes some of the civil society concerns surrounding GATS and water. Next, it describes WTO Members’ existing commitments in environmental services, focusing on those aspects which are most relevant for the design of any future commitments in water related sectors. Both the draft paper and the agenda of the workshop are available for viewing in PDF format.