Climate Vulnerable Nations Reject US-led Push for Solar Geoengineering at UNEA-6

NAIROBI, Kenya, FEBRUARY 29, 2024— Climate-vulnerable states successfully blocked a dangerous push to legitimize solar geoengineering technologies, in a significant development welcomed by the Center for International Environmental Law during the sixth United Nations Environment Assembly, UNEA-6, in the Kenyan capital. 

Efforts by Switzerland, Monaco, Georgia, and Israel, which sought to establish an Expert Scientific Group on solar geoengineering, were halted when Member States made it clear there was no consensus to do so.

The United States, Saudi Arabia, and Japan attempted to further undermine existing UN moratoria on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) during UNEA-6, but faced strong opposition from African, Pacific, and Latin American countries. 

Mary Church, Senior Geoengineering Campaigner at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) issued the following statement: 

“The vocal opposition to geoengineering at UNEA-6 sends a powerful message underscoring a broad commitment to upholding established norms of international environmental law. Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) technologies are dangerous and do not have any role to play in our common future. These technologies cannot tackle the root causes of the climate crisis and would instead enable major polluters to delay the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels. 

“Actions by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Japan at UNEA-6 highlighted a highly problematic approach to global environmental challenges: trying to welcome geoengineering advocates and undermining existing UN governance structures.

“These attempts to legitimize SRM technologies were met by strong resistance, with Pacific Island States, Colombia, Mexico, and the EU supporting the African Group’s leadership against attempts to normalize these unproven technologies.

“The failure of these attempts indicates a growing consensus on the risks associated with solar geoengineering, and growing support for an international SRM Non-Use mechanism, as demonstrated by decisions of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment and the European Parliament.”

Media Contact

Niccolò Sarno, CIEL Media Relations: [email protected]