CIEL Expert Availability on the Risks of Oil & Gas Activity in the Oceans

CIEL welcomed today’s report by UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri, and his call for States to reject or suspend any offshore oil and gas activity that deprives small-scale fishers and fish workers of their fundamental human rights.

GENEVA, March 7, 2024 — Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) experts are available for comment on the risks of oil and gas activity in the oceans following today’s release of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food’s latest report on fisheries and the right to food in the context of climate change.

The report was released at the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, and ahead of the UN Ocean Conference stakeholder meeting from June 7–8, during which governments will have the opportunity to directly engage with fishing communities.

The report highlights how offshore oil and gas activity threatens the human rights of small-scale fishers and fish workers. This marks an important development, with a UN Special Rapporteur drawing the critical connection between food, fisheries, climate change, and the risks of offshore oil and gas activity.

Today, CIEL Senior Campaigner Bruna Campos delivered a statement welcoming the Special Rapporteur’s strong call for States to reject or suspend any offshore oil and gas activity that deprives impacted small-scale fishers and fish workers of their enjoyment of fundamental human rights. 

As highlighted by the report, the world must recognize oceans as a life source and reject fossil fuel activities that jeopardize the myriad lives and livelihoods that depend on the marine environment. 

CIEL and more than forty frontline and civil society partners submitted written input to inform the Special Rapporteur’s report.


Media Contact

To schedule interviews, please contact: Niccolò Sarno, [email protected], +41-22-506 80 37 

Experts available: 

CIEL Senior Campaigner Bruna Campos
CIEL Senior Attorney Upasana Khatri