WTO MC13 Recognizes the Importance of the Plastics Treaty Negotiations

DUBAI, UAE, March 5, 2024 — The Thirteenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) closed with a Ministerial Statement on Plastic Pollution. The Ministerial Statement proposes a series of actions to curb trade in plastics, promotes “alternatives” and “substitutes” to plastics, and recognizes the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) process of the plastics treaty as the lead negotiating fora. 

Helionor de Anzizu, Staff Attorney at the Center for International Environmental Law reacted to the Declaration: 

“Trade is a key element in the entire plastics value chain — from wellhead to chemicals, products, and waste disposal. The INC was established to help close legal gaps in addressing plastics, including plastics trade, and, in the process create a coherent and comprehensive instrument. Last week, the WTO took a critical, welcome step in recognizing that the INC is the leading process to develop solutions related to plastic pollution. Essentially, the INC must ensure the establishment of clear definitions, effective control measures, and achievable targets, which will subsequently require implementation, including at the WTO. The Dialogue on Plastics will play a pivotal role in expediting necessary actions in this regard in the foreseeable future. It is also encouraging to see that the WTO recognizes that its work needs to be consistent and informed by science. We are optimistic that these recognitions can help add to the momentum for a successful negotiation at INC-4 in Ottawa.”


Media Contact

Cate Bonacini, press (at) ciel.org, +1-510-520-9109