TTIP crosses the line on toxic chemicals for 111 NGOs

For Immediate Release
July 10, 2014

(Brussels/Washington DC) – Analysis published today shows that government proposals for the chemical sector under a potential Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement reflect those of the chemical industry, which would enable a Toxic Partnership on both sides of the Atlantic. The report coincides with a letter sent to negotiators today by over 111 organizations objecting to the inclusion of the chemicals sector in any of TTIP’s relevant chapters, including Regulatory Coherence and Investment.

The large opposition to the inclusion of the chemicals sector reflects concerns that TTIP is geared toward advancing the chemical industry’s agenda at the expense of public health and the environment, say environmental advocates the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), ClientEarth, and 109 other civil society organizations. Following years of unsuccessful efforts to block the development of stronger EU laws for toxic chemicals, industry, and its government allies have turned to TTIP as a tool to slow, stop, or reverse the implementation of these stronger laws.

“It’s Christmas in July for the chemical industry. Industry presented negotiators with a wish list of proposals in December, and the European Commission has taken on board nearly all of them,” says David Azoulay, CIEL’s Environmental Health Director. “If the Commission’s position is adopted, TTIP will negatively impact the ability to regulate on toxic chemicals.”

“Through this position, the European Commission will give the opportunity to the US government to further obstruct the implementation of existing progressive EU laws on chemicals” notes Vito A. Buonsante, ClientEarth’s law and policy advisor. These proposals would have a chilling effect not only on chemicals, but environmental regulation more broadly, by slowing down the implementation of precautionary laws, undermining democratic decision making, and stifling the innovation of safer and cleaner alternatives.


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Amanda Kistler, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL): [email protected], (+1 202 742 5832)
Michael Haines, ClientEarth: [email protected] (+442077495978)