Assesment by the Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman in Relation to a Complaint Filed against IFC’s Investment in ENDENSA Pangue S.A. (May 2003)

This is an assessment of a complaint brought before the office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of the World Bank’s International Finance corporation (IFC) regarding the Pangue hydroelectric dam project,completed in September 1996 on the Bio Bio River in Chile. The assessment report addresses the issues raised in the complaint and conclude with suggestions to the complainants and the IFC on how these issues may be addressed. The CAO may assist the complainant further in resolving the issues of concern if the complainant so wishes.

While the CAO presumes maximum disclosure and transparency, the CAO is bound by the information disclosure policy of the IFC. In the course of assessing the complaint the CAO has collected and reviewed information from many sources, some confidential and some not. This assessment report is crafted in such a way to provide answers to the complainants without compromising legitimate business confid ential concerns of IFC’s clients.

Read full text.  Also available in Spanish.