Plastic pollution is not just an environmental issue; it’s a pervasive crisis that deeply impacts public health and economic stability. The burden of this crisis falls disproportionately on the shoulders of state, county, and municipal authorities, who invest vast resources managing significant challenges—from clogged water systems and littered landscapes to the immense costs of managing these disruptions. As plastic pollution continues to overwhelm communities and ecosystems, the burden on state and local administrations grows heavier.
Our report, Making Plastic Polluters Pay: How Cities and States Can Recoup the Rising Costs of Plastic Pollution, provides state and local governments in the United States with the legal tools necessary to hold plastic producers and fast-moving consumer goods companies accountable for the harm they cause.
This report outlines the significant burdens that plastic pollution imposes on state and municipal systems, which bear the financial, environmental, and health costs of managing these effects. It also provides a comprehensive roadmap for legal professionals and government officials to initiate litigation against those responsible for the proliferation of plastic waste.
Making Plastics Polluters Pay offers a detailed analysis of the legal avenues available for addressing the challenges posed by plastic pollution. This includes actionable insights into how government attorneys can leverage laws related to nuisance, products liability, and consumer protection to pursue accountability and remedy from those responsible—the plastic resin producers and fast-moving consumer goods companies.
This report is a call to action, equipping local governments in the United States with the knowledge to initiate meaningful legal challenges that can lead to substantial reforms and ensure corporate accountability.
Published on June 26, 2024