Principles and Approaches of Sustainable Development and Chemicals Management for a Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) (Government of Switzerland, SAICM/PREPCOM.3/INF/4, July 2005) (Wiser & Magraw)

During the Second Preparatory Committee (PrepCom2) to develop a Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), Switzerland agreed to undertake intersessional work in identifying principles and approaches of sustainable development and chemicals management that might be incorporated into the SAICM.  It was hoped that a limited study would elucidate existing relevant principles and approaches, enhance understanding of them, and clarify how they might be addressed by the SAICM.

This study is presented with a view toward furthering understanding and agreement among SAICM participants on this important issue. Agreement among SAICM participants on principles and approaches can establish common ground for development and implementation of the SAICM by indicating its essential characteristics; providing guidance in interpreting the meaning of its constituent parts; and helping governments, IGOs, NGOs, commercial enterprises, and other stakeholders to fill in gaps as they attempt to realize SAICM objectives.

To that end, the study identifies 15 principles and approaches that the authors believe have the most direct relevance to the SAICM. Most of these principles and approaches were also suggested by SAICM participants at the first and second PrepComs. For each principle and approach, the study provides its description and main elements, its origin and application in selected chemicals and wastes instruments and policies, and its possible relevance to the SAICM. The study also suggests how each principle or approach might be addressed under the SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy (OPS), and it identifies concrete measures to which the principle or approach may be relevant.

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