Briefing Note and Report Regarding the Promotion of Human Rights at the Katowice Climate Conference (COP24) (Dec 2018)

Promoting Public Participation in Climate Policies: Opportunities at the Katowice Climate Conference (COP24)

This briefing note addresses the importance of access to information and public participation for effective climate policies. It provides an overview of opportunities for parties to the Paris Agreement to enhance public participation and access to information in climate policies during COP-24. At this session, parties will have the opportunity to consider in more specific terms how public participation and access to information can inform and be reflected in the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement to ensure that its implementation is participatory and transparent. Read the briefing note.



Report from the Katowice Climate Conference: Promoting Human Rights in Climate Action at COP-24

This conference report summarizes advocacy in favor of human rights during the COP-24 and infringements of potential attendees’ civil and political rights by the Polish authorities, reviews relevant provisions of the Paris Agreement Implementation Guidelines, and highlights explicit references to human rights contained in other decisions adopted by the Parties in Katowice. The final page of the report highlights some of the opportunities for continued advocacy for the integration of human rights in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Read the Conference Report.