The Development of a National Safeguard System for REDD+ in Mexico: A Case for the Value of International Guidance (BIC, CEMDA & CIEL) (December 2014)

As countries around the world make progress in preparing for REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), national governments are grappling with how to respect and address the requisite social, environmental and governance safeguards. They must comply with the REDD+ safeguards within their national contexts, while also navigating the various standards attached to multiple sources of REDD+ finance. Several years into the REDD+ preparation process, Mexico is in the midst of developing a national safeguards system for REDD+. Through this process, Mexico is generating useful lessons learned for other countries preparing for REDD+ and which may inform additional guidance for REDD+ from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Importantly, Mexico is also a useful example illustrating that even a country that has made strong advances in REDD+ would benefit from further international guidance to address and respect REDD+ safeguards.

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