US Senate Committee Sends a Global Message on Eliminating Toxic Chemicals

For the first time in 36 years, the U.S. Congress took a significant step towards fixing the ineffective law that primarily governs the use of toxic chemicals in America’s workplaces, homes, schools, and almost every other facet of our everyday lives.  This is a monumental step, not just for the U.S., but for public health … Read More.

2011 Senate TSCA bill would enable U.S. leadership on global POPs treaty

Proposed federal legislation to revamp the outdated Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) could pave the way for the United States to join three important international treaties, according to a new CIEL publication.   “U.S. Law and the Stockholm POPs Convention:  Analysis of treaty-implementing provisions in pending legislation,” reviews the Safe Chemicals Act (S. 847), a bill … Read More.

Known Unknowns

In reflecting on his revolutionary achievements, Sir Isaac Newton explained, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”  Implicit in this statement is the recognition of information as an essential part of the foundation for technological innovation. In the 21st century, information has captured the attention of a broad … Read More.

A Bipartisan Crossroads on Global Toxics?

By Daryl Ditz, Chemicals Program Last month, the feisty lame duck Congress heeded a bipartisan chorus of advice, from Henry Kissinger to Hillary Clinton, in voting to ratify a new nuclear weapons treaty to reduce the risks of dangerous materials falling into the wrong hands. Could the new Congress find bipartisan agreement to ratify a … Read More.