The ocean is vital to the survival of all life on this planet: it is the source of our rainfall, it regulates are climate, it provides us with food, and it serves as the home of countless marine animals. I think we can all agree that the ocean is fundamental to our enjoyment of life. Unfortunately, industrialization has produced massive amounts of garbage, and countries have been struggling for decades to properly manage the waste. People’s backyards and the ocean itself have become waste dumps.
In 1989, countries signed the Basel Convention and agreed to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects of generating and managing hazardous wastes. The Convention was in response to the outflow of hazardous wastes from developed countries to developing countries, caused by polluters seeking to lessen the costs of proper waste management. State Parties to the Basel Convention and the Basel Convention Secretariat have been improving waste management practices around the world, particularly in developing countries, but new waste streams have created new challenges.
Among these new waste streams is shipbreaking.
Shipbreaking is not the only problem confronting our oceans. Plastic pollution is amassing in our oceans but currently escaping international regulation. Plastic is being ingested by marine animals and may soon affect human health. I recently attended the 5th International Marine Debris Conference, organized by the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Conference brought together community activists, NGOs, scientists, lawyers, politicians and businesses and adopted a Strategy to save our oceans from marine debris.
Our livelihood depends on a healthy ocean. We cannot afford to use it as a waste dump.
Polluters must take responsibility to manage their own waste and ensure that their waste is not someone-else’s problem. Profit and convenience must not be gained at the cost of the environment and people’s well-being.
Originally posted on May 2, 2011.